Foreign Investment in India

Foreign Investment: We are made to believe that only from the Foreign Investment we are running our nation's economy unless the foreign investment we can't run our Government but it's a wrong statment. India where people have a rich cultural heritage have the habit of saving money to meet the future needs. According to a study, the amount saved by Indians in banks are around 5 lakh crore per year. Now Indian Government is running only from the Savings not from elsewhere. So India is running in the savings of its own people.It is believed that we dont have much effect of 2008 Economic crisis only because of our savings. Country like USA,UK are having people who interested in spending rather than saving money hence they can't able to tackle the economic crisis but we enjoyed very less effect of this global economic situation. But till now our Government is trying to attract investment away from borders do you know why???????? All only for the Dollars....