War of TRP rating

Today media is playing a huge role in diverting people towards western life style. People of India had a very much attachment over media .

learn more about TRP here

Most people of India have the habit of watching TV and reading news paper at least weakly magazines .

You might have studied of the way media played a big role in chasing British from Indian soil, many freedom fighters reached people through their powerful writings especially Bharathiyar etc

So media played a major role in creating a independent India.....

But now the holy media is converted into a commercial market where the war of TRP is playing the vital role.

learn more about TRP here

Winning in the race of TRP is the only motto of channels and hence they are hunger for flash news everyday and my their luck they are getting a sensational news everyday at least once every two days.

But sometimes their money mind crossed some limit e.g in cases like Delhi gang rape issue , 2G spectrum issue etc.

I can say confidently that many people are still believing some one stolen 1 lakh 75 thousand crores (175000 crores) in 2G issue but the real fact is Government loses 1.76 lakh crore and people involved in that may earned in thousand crores but media made the people to believe like that

Because instead of showing 2000 cr as loss If they flash 1.76 lakh crore it will reach people very easily so they did so

But media has to understand a thing ...

People of India are believing media to understand Government policies their activities so they have a very much important role of shaping people from younger to old people .

So Media has to work for welfare of people not for the TRP rating as media is a service not a complete money market..


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