TRP Rating

Definition of  TRP Calculation (Referred from Wikipedia)

The purpose of the "target rating point" metric is to measure impressions in relation to the number of people in a specific target audience for an advertisement. Thus, the TRP is a measure of the purchased points representing an estimate of the component of the target audience within the gross audience. Similar to the gross rating point, it is measured as the sum of ratings achieved by a specific media vehicle (e.g., TV channel or program) of the target audience reached.

Target rating points (TRPs) quantify the gross rating points achieved by an advertisement or campaign among targeted individuals within a larger population.
TRPs = Reach among target audience (%) x Average frequency

(Thanks to Wikipedia)

If the TRP rating is high then the number of people watching the channel is high so if you flash an advertisement it will reach more people so TV channel having more TRP will cost more cash for advertising in their channels..



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