Travel Guide to trace Cholas

In this post i routed you starting from Gangai Konda Cholapuram to Darasuram at last

Gangai Konda Cholapuram 


To visit Gangai Konda cholapuram , first visit Kumbakonam town in Tanjore District (35 Km from Tanjore town) we have a very good connectivity to Kumbakonam through bus amd Rail routes all time from all over Tamilnadu.

Then catch the bus to Jayamkondan in kumbakonam bus stand(frequent bus facility available to Jayamkondan) after a 45 minute travel you will reach Gangai konda cholapuram (in the mid way you will cross Anakkarai bridge you may be amazed with its length ) and buses will stop at the entrance of Temple itself so no worry for us


If you are visiting from Tanjore side you have to go to kumbakonam then travel in Kumakonam - Chennai road via Annakkarai then you will reach X Road roundana then take left in X road and travel 1 more km to reach Gangai Konda Cholapuram.

If you are visiting from chennai side you may come across X road on the way to Kumbakonam take right on X road and travel 1 km to reach Gangai Konda Cholapuram.



To visit Patteswaram you have to travel back to Kumbakonam, then catch mini bus in Kumbakonam Bus stand to patteswaram It might take 30 or less minutes to reach Patteswaram via bus and frequent bus facilities are available to Patteswaram.(On the way to patteswaram you will cross Darasuram but i suggest you to queue it in the last of your visiting order)


There may be no big difficulty to reach Patteswaram in car if you reached Kumbakonam.


To visit the samathi of RajaRaja Cholan you have to start your travel from Patteswaram i suggest you to take auto because there is no bus facility to all places


Auto drivers in Patteswaram will take you to Udayalur (RajanRajan samathi) which is less than 3 km from Patteswaram and it will take 10 to 15 minute only to reach RajaRaja samathi and also to Keela Palayarai Somanatha swamy Temple then to Nandhi pura Vinagaram Perumal temple and then to Darasuram and they may charge below 250 for visiting all those places and it is reasonable amount so you can darely take Auto if they charged below 250.

I strongly suggest to take auto because it will be very difficult for you to search and reach those places.


To make you understand easily i tell you the path from Temple entrance. From the amman temple entrance travel towards the Road and take right and go straight in the same road it will take you to Udayalur (You might cross the PR polytechnic college that will be good landmark to make your travel easier)

After travel to RajaRajan samathi you have to ask people to direct you to Somanatha swamy temple in Keela Palayarai then to Nandhi pura Vinagram Perumal Temple.

(Sorry guys i traveled using auto so i am not clear with Car travel route but it is not that much distance from RajaRajan samathi. It may be 1 to 2 km from Udayalur RajaRajan Samathi)



If Auto driver ask you wheather to go back to Patteswaram after visiting these places please ask him to leave you in Darasuram

Auto drivers in Patteswaram will take you to Udayalur (RajanRajan samathi) which is less than 3 km from Patteswaram and it will take 10 to 15 minute only to reach RajaRaja samathi and also to Keela Palayarai Somanatha swamy Temple then to Nandhi pura Vinagaram Perumal temple and then to Darasuram and they may charge below 250 for visiting all those places and it is reasonable amount so you can darely take Auto if they charged below 250.  


After visiting Keela palayarai it will be more easy to reach Darasuram just travel the same route you used to come from Patteswaram you came to moolanoor then take right and travel 2 to 3 km to reach Darasuram.

After reaching Darasuram it will be more easy for you to reach Kumbakonam again beacause we have good transport facility to kumbakonam from Darasuram.


  1. Its very nice and detailed about the places,its more helpful to touristers. Go ahead man:)


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